I'm a Journalist who loves the city where I was born and raised. The City of Angels! Here, I document my adventures at work, as well as in dining, museums, red carpets, wine, shopping, and everything else in between.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
The corner of my kitchen has a fruit bowl-- with LOTS of Apples... Although "an apple a day keeps the Dr. away" an apple a day also makes you "sick" of apples! So when I found that the dozens of apples were starting to wilt, I decided to make Apple Pie!
I don't have a recipe up my sleeve so I have to rely on good'ol google to help... After looking at a few recipes Bobby Flay's seemed to be the easiest. Plus, I LOVE me some Bobby Flay. And it was super easy! For the recipe click here: APPLE PIE RECIPE
STEP 1: peel 5 apples
STEP 2: make the crust with butter (as a substitute for vegetable shortening which I didn't have in my fridge), flour, salt, egg, water, vinegar
STEP 3: cut the Apples and mix with sugar, flour and cinamon, and place in the raw crust
STEP 4: place in the oven for 30-40 minutes... and Voila...
THIS RECIPE WAS SO SIMPLE, IM ACTUALLY GOING TO MAKE IT FOR MY FAMILY FOR THANKSGIVING... I never thought making apple pie from scratch would be this easy... and this delicious!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Posted: 30 Aug 2011 08:57 PM PDT
The CIRCUS is coming to town! But not any circus, its Cirque du Soleil's "Iris" . I've seen Cirque's "O" that has a water theme and "Zumanity" which has an erotic theme.
That's why its very fitting that the show will be featured exclusively at Hollywood and Highland's Kodak Theatre, home of the Oscars.
I also got to go backstage and talk to other cast members such as the fellow here who plays a clown.. BTW, for the sake of the show, he lets his eyebrows grow so much they are practically 5 inches long, no extensions required. Now thats talent!
For Olga, looking beautiful and standing on one hand come natural. During her warm up, she invited me to join her. Needless to say, the "warm up" was probably the most complicated acrobatic move I've ever done! Cirque du Soleil never fails to impress. The beautiful stories told and the artistic and amazing way the performers contort and move their bodies make me in awe of how miraculous the human body and spirit truly are. This is not your grandpa's circus. Lights turn into motion, the curtain is pulled back, and the show begins... IRIS now in previews... Premieres September 25th which just so happens to be my Birthday!!! Have you guys seen a Cirque Du Soleil show? What did you think? Which one was your favorite? |
Monday, October 29, 2012
EVA LONGORIA is scared at Halloween Horror Nights
Ok, Eva Longoria doesn't really look scared here. But only she can pull off a sexy, sophisticated and stylish look while being surrounded by a bloody bunny carrying a chainsaw and two other ghoulish creatures.
Longoria visited Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios Hollywood along with friends including hairstylist to the stars Ken Paves. I gotta give the girl props. She has time to be part of Obamas political campaign, produce a show (Devious Maids), manage her acting career and still make some room for Halloween fun.
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Loved the Scary Mazes! |

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going down the HHN escalator |
What are your Halloween plans?
Thursday, October 18, 2012
5 Great Books to Read Before & During Pregnancy
When I found out I was pregnant, my search for interesting and informative pregnancy books began. It was overwhelming! There were hundreds of books to pick and choose from and my fears of being a good mom began: Am I picking the right books to prepare me for this? Am I missing out on a must-have read that all other mommies are tuned into?
Then my husband reminded me, mothers have been having happy, healthy children for thousands and thousands of years, before books were even invented. So when the pressure faded, I just used my motherly instinct and read the books I naturally gravitated toward.
Friday, October 12, 2012
A picture is worth a thousand words.... September has been such an amazing month for me... its been a roller coaster of hormones, career accomplishments, and sleepless nights... I could write an entire book on how SEPTEMBER 2012 was for me... but instead here is my amazing month in 8 pictures...

Sep 06, 2012-
The birth of my son Brayden Mateo... I honestly didn't think life would give me such a precious gift. On this day, my whole world changed. I love my life more than ever, and Im happy I have a new person to share it with. My lesson: never stop dreaming, hoping, wishing... dreams do come true.
Sep. 09, 2012-
My daughter Giselle's 9th birthday. I was still at the hospital on her birthday, so I decided to celebrate it in my recovery room. We decorated it with balloons, signs, and yes, even lit candles on her cake. Thank God the fire alarms at Cedar's Sinai Hospital didn't go off. I want to thank my in-laws John and Jackie for helping make Giselle's birthday so special. Her biggest present was her new little brother. My lesson: I had worried that I wasn't going to be able to celebrate my daughters Birthday, but with creativity, help from family, and lots of love, you can make anything happen!
Sep 16, 2012-
Covering the ALMA Award's Red Carpet and walking the Carpet too!
I was given the assignment by Fox News Latino (CLICK HERE TO READ MY ARTICLE) to cover the ALMA Awards red carpet. Wow, this was only 10 days post-c-section delivery. Should I stay home and recover? Nah! I decided to go ahead and cover the event, after all, I thought of all the other women around the world that live in third world countries and have to get up and work days after having a baby. Im not a wimp, Im a warrior! The added bonus of attending was that my co-hosts for the Latina Talk Show "HOLA L.A." which will air on KCAL/KCBS, and I were asked to walk the red carpet as Talent to promote the show! MY LESSON: when you work in the Industry, rain, sleet or snow, "The show must go on!"
Sep 25, 2012- MY BIRTHDAY!
I turned 30-something... Another year older, and hopefully wiser! What more could I want with a new baby and a new show? Well, life has no meaning without people to share it with. So my best girlfriends took me to my own "Tea Party" at the American Tea Room in Beverly Hills. I got a little break from my baby, and got to catch up with the girls. My husband also took me to dinner to my favorite L.A. Restaurant "The Bazaar" at SLS Hotel. Hey, just because we are new parents doesn't mean we cant "date" anymore!
It's a show we have been working on for a long time. Four women discussing current topics with a Latina twist. Yes we finally have a voice at the table! Please (Click here for more info on HOLA L.A.) MY LESSON: If no one gives you an opportunity, you have to create it for yourself. My hats off to show creator Bel Hernandez-Castillo, who decided to put the show together on her own, seeing that networks weren't providing a Latina perspective on current Talk Shows.
How has your current month been? Please share your stories below:
Thursday, September 27, 2012
New Show 'Hola LA!' To Debut On KCAL 9 « CBS Los Angeles
I haven't been blogging for a few weeks because I had a baby and a new show!
Click below for the details on Hola LA!
New Show 'Hola LA!' To Debut On KCAL 9 « CBS Los Angeles
Click below for the details on Hola LA!
New Show 'Hola LA!' To Debut On KCAL 9 « CBS Los Angeles
Monday, August 13, 2012
"What are you thinking Amy? The question I've asked most often during our marriage, if not out loud, if not to the person who could answer. I suppose these questions stormcloud over every marriage: What are you thinking? How are you feeling? Who are you? What have we done to eachother? What will we do?" - EXCERPT "GONE GIRL" By Gillian Flynn
I just finished reading "Gone Girl" a psychological thriller by best selling author Gillian Flynn (more on the book in a minute.)
Every night before I go to bed, I cuddle up to a book either on my Iphone or my Ipad. The electronic device is not as soft or pliable as a paper book but the convenience of reading on my Iphone is too tempting to pass up.
I used to read paperbacks and I had a little book light that I would have to clip onto the sleeve of the book, but the flaps were flimsy and usually I would have to move the light with my hands like a flashlight so it could light up the next paragraph I was reading.
The upside of reading on my electronic device: my Iphone has a built-in light eliminating the need for a book light, I store all the books I've purchased on my device so I can always choose to read two or three books at a time without lugging them around or having my nightstand look like a makeshift library, and finally if I happen to finish a book quickly I can buy another one instantly using my Ibooks app and read the reviews right then and there.
The downside: I can't let my sister or friends borrow the books I've purchased because its impossible to download the book on your computer, transfer it to a zip-drive and then let someone else read it. (I'm sure there is a way to do it but it also just doesn't feel right in this era of out-of-control DVD pirating.) Plus handing over a zip-drive doesn't feel as organic as does handing over an actual physical book and saying ,"hey sis, check out out this novel, it's a page turner."
Gone Girl, was a real page turner. I read it relatively fast because I couldn't put it down. There are lots of plot twists and turns and I really enjoyed the fact that Amy the main character is a strong woman. Well, strong in certain ways... if you read the book you'll know what I mean. My sister recently celebrated a birthday and I loved Gone Girl so much I actually went to a brick and mortar store, bought a hardcover copy and gave it to her as a gift.
I highly recommend Gone Girl, although I was a little disappointed in the ending, the smart writing and original plot still made it worthwhile. The book was acquired by 20th Century Fox and is expected to be turned into a Hollywood Movie by Reese Witherspoon's company, Pacific Standard. This is one movie ticket I will certainly purchase, but Im glad I read the book first.
Here is a link to Amazon for "Gone Girl"
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
When your daughter tries to BRIBE you...
I'm not quite sure how to feel about this.
As all moms and dads know, parenthood is a topsy-turvy world. Much like the fun-houses you enter at a Carnival, you are constantly being surprised by unexpected twists and turns, albeit in a colorful and "fun" environment. A place you entered at your own will, knowing sometimes the "fun house" will make your heart jump and your adrenaline speed up.
Sometimes you think you're doing a good job as a parent, but then you look in the mirror and you see a distorted version of yourself- in other words- you're not sure how "good" or "bad" of a job you're doing.
This week, I had an incident happen to me.
Sometimes I reward my daughter's achievements with "prizes" in the form of gifts, money, or promises to take her to the movies with popcorn and soda to boot. Well, if you choose to call it a bribe, so be it.
But on Friday, my daughter turned the tables around and I was just not quite sure how to react.
Basically, she got a bad mark on her behavior sheet which means she talked out of turn in class. Every day, parents are to sign this sheet so you can monitor your kids daily behavior and read the teachers comments to see what kind of misbehavin' they've done so you can apply the appropriate lesson at home.
Before my daughter handed over her behavior sheet so I could sign it, she told me, "before you see it, mom could I give you $5.00 so you won't be upset?" With that pre-emptive strike I knew I was probably going to see something I didn't like, but how should I feel about my 8 year old child bribing me?
I had mixed feelings. First, I appreciated her creative spirit. She anticipated a conflict and before facing it, thought it out and figured out a plan about how to mitigate it before it got ugly. Second she demonstrated an entrepreneurial side, hey if money gives you rewards, then money can also help you "buy" your way out of a problem.
But how should I feel, as the parent. My mixed reactions also included, "Oh, no! Have I been teaching her that money can 'allow' you to be 'bad' in class as you can 'buy' your way out of trouble?"
I took the money, and gave her a disapproving smirk. I know at this young age, she values money as I always make her save it and buy most of her own stuff like toys and other miscellaneous knick knacks.
I know giving up an entire $5.00 was slightly painful for her, and punishment in and of itself. Much like many parents have "swearing jars" at home, where you need to put a quarter in the jar every time you swear, I figured, for her giving up a weeks worth of A's and good behavior on her sheet was something that probably pained her.
But she was not completely out of the woods yet. The next morning as I drove her to school, I started lecturing her on how she needed to behave in class, not talk out of turn, yadda yadda yadda.
As she exited the car, she said, "mom, you are lecturing me, so now you owe me my $5.00 back.!"
PARENTHOOD... quite the fun house it is... But I'm keeping the money.
As all moms and dads know, parenthood is a topsy-turvy world. Much like the fun-houses you enter at a Carnival, you are constantly being surprised by unexpected twists and turns, albeit in a colorful and "fun" environment. A place you entered at your own will, knowing sometimes the "fun house" will make your heart jump and your adrenaline speed up.
Sometimes you think you're doing a good job as a parent, but then you look in the mirror and you see a distorted version of yourself- in other words- you're not sure how "good" or "bad" of a job you're doing.
This week, I had an incident happen to me.
Sometimes I reward my daughter's achievements with "prizes" in the form of gifts, money, or promises to take her to the movies with popcorn and soda to boot. Well, if you choose to call it a bribe, so be it.
But on Friday, my daughter turned the tables around and I was just not quite sure how to react.
Basically, she got a bad mark on her behavior sheet which means she talked out of turn in class. Every day, parents are to sign this sheet so you can monitor your kids daily behavior and read the teachers comments to see what kind of misbehavin' they've done so you can apply the appropriate lesson at home.
Before my daughter handed over her behavior sheet so I could sign it, she told me, "before you see it, mom could I give you $5.00 so you won't be upset?" With that pre-emptive strike I knew I was probably going to see something I didn't like, but how should I feel about my 8 year old child bribing me?
I had mixed feelings. First, I appreciated her creative spirit. She anticipated a conflict and before facing it, thought it out and figured out a plan about how to mitigate it before it got ugly. Second she demonstrated an entrepreneurial side, hey if money gives you rewards, then money can also help you "buy" your way out of a problem.
But how should I feel, as the parent. My mixed reactions also included, "Oh, no! Have I been teaching her that money can 'allow' you to be 'bad' in class as you can 'buy' your way out of trouble?"
I took the money, and gave her a disapproving smirk. I know at this young age, she values money as I always make her save it and buy most of her own stuff like toys and other miscellaneous knick knacks.
I know giving up an entire $5.00 was slightly painful for her, and punishment in and of itself. Much like many parents have "swearing jars" at home, where you need to put a quarter in the jar every time you swear, I figured, for her giving up a weeks worth of A's and good behavior on her sheet was something that probably pained her.
But she was not completely out of the woods yet. The next morning as I drove her to school, I started lecturing her on how she needed to behave in class, not talk out of turn, yadda yadda yadda.
As she exited the car, she said, "mom, you are lecturing me, so now you owe me my $5.00 back.!"
PARENTHOOD... quite the fun house it is... But I'm keeping the money.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Got Crabs?? Put on a bib and go get ya'some !
When my in-laws were visiting this weekend from Colorado, Tiny (my husband's nickname for his mom) wanted to take advantage of the beautiful California Coastline (and who can blame her) and have lunch somewhere near the water. Jeff my husband suggested The Crab Pot in Long Beach. !
We all ordered "The Alaskan" which is a big pot of King Crab, Dungeness Crab, Snow Crab, Shrimp, Steamed Clams, Pacific Mussels, Andouille Sausage, Corn on the Cob and Red Potatoes!
The best part about it: NO SILVERWARE NEEDED! The waiters literally drop the pot of seafood yummi-ness right on the table and you use your bare hands to get right into it!
You also get to wear a cute bib, so in ways I felt like a toddler all over again- eating with my fingers and wearing a bib! I'm 8 months pregnant so I'm about to go through the "messy eating-wearing bib" stage with a real live baby in just a few weeks, so it was nice to feel like a kid again myself before I need to be a real adult and take care of a little one.
Eating here was a good way to have some great seafood, re-connect with the "baby" in all of us, and have an amazing time with my in-laws, husband and daughter near the beautiful Ocean.
If you don't live near Long Beach California, there are Crab Pots in Seattle, Bellevue, Rancho Mirage and La Quinta!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Yes... I'm a guilty wife, can you blame me for this guilty pleasure?
"There are people in here who want me dead, some for retribution but most to establish their own notoriety. It would be a sure path to celebrity to kill me or one of my friends, known collectively as the Monte Carlo Mistresses. That was the moniker that stuck in the international media."
- EXCERPT from the book "Guilty Wives" by James Patterson & David Ellis
I've never been into James Patterson novels. Mainly because I would much rather read biographies and memoirs because most of them are about successful people and how they handled adversity. I love reading about real people, real situations, real outcomes.
But... once in a while I indulge in the 'guilty' pleasure of reading fiction. I was first attracted to this book because of it's title. The words guilty wives conjures so many different emotions. Ohhhh the shame of being a guilty wife. But guilty of what? Perhaps guilty of not being the "perfect" wife? Not being as crafty as Martha Stewart? As good of a cook as Paula Dean? As good looking as Gisele Bundchen? As smart as Condoleezza Rice? As politically savvy as Hilary Clinton? As alluring as Jacqueline Kennedy Onasis? As sweet looking as Katie Holmes? The list goes on.... Wow I'm GUILTY on all counts!
Well, hold on.. this book is about another type of guilt. Murder. Adultery. I would describe it as "Sex and the City" meets "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" meets "Beverly Hills Housewives."
"Guilty Wives" centers on four extremely wealthy women who are all married, and decide to take a girls weekend trip to Monte Carlo. Its like the rich people's version of Las Vegas. The book takes you directly into their world, and gives you a taste of what its like when you can do what you want when you want when money is not an issue. The girls party like rock stars in an exotic Hotel and end up spending an "interesting" night on a rich man's yacht. When they wake up, the President of France (who was partying with them) is found shot dead and the murder is linked to the four women.
Its a whodunit novel with a feminine twist. Once I started reading it, it was hard to put down. The books extravagant setting in Monte Carlo and Paris made the mystery even sweeter.
Yes... im Guilty... of loving this book.
Monday, June 18, 2012
I love these Nautical themed candles, and guess what? I Hand-Crafted them myself- And so can you IN 5 EASY STEPS !
It was super easy...
STEP #1 -Find some cute votive candle holders
I found a bunch of these on sale for two dollars at Michael's Arts and Crafts. Since I'm having a Nautical-themed party, I decided it would be a nice to have these candles around the tables as decoration. I bought 14!
STEP #2 -Get some nautical rope -type ribbon to decorate the candle
I used a glue gun to wrap it around the candle.
STEP #3 - Glue a Nautical Themed sticker or Seashell on the candle

I bought stickers with different fun beach themes and a bag of Shells. To mix it up, I glued a sticker on some candles, and a seashell on the other ones. Mixing and matching is fun and adds a little spontaneity to your arts and crafts.
STEP #4- Insert decorative sand and blue sea rocks and seashells in the candle.

They sell these bags of decorative sand in different colors. I bought off-white to give it a more beachy feel.
STEP #5 -Insert a small tea light candle in each votive (they sell a dozen for about three dollars)
VOILA! you are done and ready to add a little romantic flair to your Nautical-themed soiree... You can also give the candles to your guests afterward as a "thank-you" gift for "lighting up your evening." HAPPY CRAFTING!
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