I'm a Journalist who loves the city where I was born and raised. The City of Angels! Here, I document my adventures at work, as well as in dining, museums, red carpets, wine, shopping, and everything else in between.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Lots of people say they don't like to have New Year's resolutions because they are "constantly improving themselves all year-long". Well, I DO need that re-start button at least once a year to remind me that we can continuously be re-invented, re-newed, and re-born.
To me, January 1st does represent a fresh start, a clean slate.
So what am I planning to improve in 2012?
1. EXERCISE. Be more consistent with my workouts. Its amazing how radically you can change your body when you commit. You can loose your job, you can loose your partner, but no one can take away the work you put into yourself, your health, and your body.
2. CLEAN. Pick up after myself more often (I'm like a Snail, I leave a trail of things behind everywhere I go). The trunk of my car has been a trash can for the past year. Oops, I forgot to dump that apple I packed back in May. I have plenty of "JUNK IN MY TRUNK" that needs a cleaning.
3. KIND. Be nicer to myself. The world is harsh enough as it is. If you are not nice to yourself, no one else will. This year I realized that no one will take care of your interests more than you. Love yourself, we can't do enough of that. Don't judge yourself to much. Don't compare yourself to anybody. Like they say, "the Sun shines for everyone", and I truly believe that.
4. PARENTS. Be better to my Mom and Dad. As teenagers we blame everything on them, and sometimes we forget to shake it off even in adulthood. They are human too and one day, they will not be here anymore.
5.THINK. Breathe and think before I react. I've lost friends and opportunities for over-reacting and being overly emotional. I've seen people lose their jobs because they lost their cool. As humans we are emotional creatures so kick the walls, destroy your pillows, pick up those boxing gloves and punch way, but do it when your home alone.
6. THE PLAN. Have confidence with Gods Plan, the Universe's Plan, Buddha's plan, whatever you are into. I truly believe their is a Plan for all of us and when you feel a lull in your life, the Powers are just working out your plan. Be patient. The architects may be doing a re-haul on your life and they are figuring out where to put your new kitchen, your new den and that nice pool.
7. ENJOY. I have had a career that has taken me to the best Hotels, Cities and Restaurants of the world, but believe it or not sometimes the best moments of my life have been the simple ones. Cuddling up with my boyfriend near a crackling fire. Watching my daughter overwhelmed with Joy at the park. Having a nice dinner with my mom. Yes, its cliche but cliches reflect deep truths. Everything gets old, even 5 star Hotels, and Limos. I know Im probably sounding crass right now but I am writing from my heart. We watch reality shows and we glamorize their lifestyle. If only we lived in a million dollar mansion, if only we had that great body, if only we made as much money as they did. Everything is relative. How many people in third world countries wish they could live OUR lifestyle? I have running warm water, enough clothes for this season and next, and hey, last night I ate Sushi for dinner! Now, thats pretty fancy to some, and if we don't ENJOY these things we are missing the moments. WE are the STARS of our own lives.
8. DON'T JUDGE. We are so quick to judge people before we know whats going on in their heads and in their lives. At the end of the day, most of us have deep fears of everything from losing our jobs to losing our health. We as humans, are all in this together. Lets support each other. If someone doesn't say hello back or ignores you, maybe they are dealing with something, give them a hug not a frown.
9. LEARN. I've been putting off Rosetta Stone's French Language DVD's. In Los Angeles we spend so many idle hours on freeways, might as well learn a new language and learn to tell the guy that just cut me off a word or two in a different language and then say "oops Pardon my French!".
10. LET GO. So a guy you dated a million years ago was a stupid A-hole, that Ex-boss was totally gross, condescending and not so smart, your old friend really hurt you. LET THEM GO, they obviously let YOU GO! We have all come across these kinds of gnats (GNAT: definition: an annoying insect that sucks blood from humans). Set them free, they were not good enough to stay in your life. Look around you and you will see that the quality of the people around you NOW has improved after these pests exited your life.
11. KEEP my New Years Resolutions.
***SOME OF YOU MAY BE JUDGING ME right now, so please refer to Number 8, 10 and 3 .
What are your New Years Resolutions? (comment below)
Monday, December 12, 2011
Coca-Cola Tour Adelante Mujer! 10 tips from 3 Fascinating Successful Women
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Naibe Reynoso and Nely Galan |
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Nely Galan, Sandra Cisneros, Nell Merlino |
NELY GALAN~Motivational Words
- The Fear of Failure is your Best Friend.
- If you are scared (to speak up etc) use someone else's voice in your head to give you courage.
- Its never too late to right the wrongs in your life.
- There is NO Prince Charming.
- Sometimes when you lose you win and vice versa.
- Being Latina is the best of both worlds.
- In your deepest pain is your answer/There is darkness before light.
- Follow your bliss with a back-up position.
- Maintenance is extremely important.
- When you are good and do your work, miracles happen.
Nely Galan and me (Naibe Reynoso)
- Tell people what you want and need.
- Mobilize people you know to help you/Surround yourself with experts.
- Come up with products /ideas that solve everyday problems.
- Ask for help and teach others how to do it (delegate).
- When you are in charge, remember: YOU are the boss, its YOUR company.
- Figure out how to expand or franchise your product. Find customers.
- Let your imagination run wild. Start thinking with the End in mind.
- Don't wait for things to be perfect in your life they never will be.
- What are you going to do today to move Forward?
- Expect resistance.
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me and author Sandra Cisneros (House on Mango Street, Caramelo) |
- Write 10 things about yourself that make you unique.
- Always keep your word.
- Live for your own approval.
- Value your time, don't give it away to people who waste it.
- What are you using to cover or mask your pain? Address it
- Depression has a purpose if you use it before it uses you. Transform it to light Express your pain thru art.
- Your only true possessions are your actions.
- If you can't come out of sadness by yourself, see a professional curandera (healer, therapist).
- Listen to your body, its telling you something.
- Always know that you are special, the Universe has and will only create ONE of YOU.
- The conference was truly transformational. I was able to feel the love of other "hermanas" there. I really hope that in 2012, such a powerful and meaningful year in the Mayan Calendar which predicts a major transformation, that JUNTAS we will move forward, ADELANTE, and show the world the BEAUTY, INTELLIGENCE AND POTENTIAL that we have always carried within us and we are so desperate for the world to also recognize.
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"The Goddess" an altar created by artist Pattsi Valdez . All the dreams and wishes of the women present were pinned to her skirt. |
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the "Lets Talk" gang . Love the girls! I admire you ! |
Sunday, December 4, 2011
How I out-ran Rudolph & placed 3rd on my first 10K!
Running a Marathon has always been on my Bucket-list, so I decided to be pro-active and take baby steps to accomplish that goal. I signed up for the SAY NO TO DRUGS HOLIDAY CLASSIC 10K on Dec 4, 2011 so I could test the waters. Next goal: a Half-Marathon and then a full blown 26. 2 mile Marathon.
I love fitness and I always change up my fitness routine. That's how I started getting into running. Its perfect when I don't feel like driving to the gym because I can run long distances around my neighborhood or just hop on my treadmill.
My P.O.V at the Starting line butterflies in my stomach are in full force! |
Thanks to former collegue Stephanie Simmons for introducing me to this Race! |
Silly Poses. |
Naibe Reynoso and Steph Simmons Post-Race! |
4:30 am- wake up- (it was early but I was excited)
5:00 am- drink a cup of coffee, eat boiled egg, change, get my wallet and Iphone and fanny pack ready.
6:00 am-drive to Race location (Universal City Walk)
6:30 am- get to location, park and wait. (oh and pee )
7:00 am- get out of my car, get my registration packet, safety pin my race number on shirt.(pee again)
7:25 am- go to the Start Line and get ready to hear the gun go off. (I had butterflys in my stomach)
7:30 am-run like the wind, up the steep hills through the Universal Studios backlot, past some of Hollywood's most famous sets including War of the Worlds, the Bates Motel and Psycho House, Whoville and more!
8:34 am-CROSS THE FINISH LINE ! Yeay ! I made it! in 1 hour 04 minutes!
So how does Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer come into play? Well, being a Race newbie, I had NO idea some runners get very festive during races close to the Holidays. There were people wearing antlers, Santa hats, and elves costumes.
So was the case with a lady that was running near me the entire race. At first I was ahead of her, of course I would be right? Well, low and behold, Reindeer Antler lady ran passed me and got way ahead at about the 3k mark of the run. Oh no, I wasn't having it. I had to run faster, not give up, and show that Red-Nosed reindeer what I was made of.
Towards the end of the race, Antler-lady and I were neck and neck. This was my first race, but I was not going to come in behind a woman who obviously had an aero-dynamic disadvantage on her head (although Santa may differ on this fact).
Cue the song "Chariots of Fire".... and picture me sprinting in slow motion to get to the Finish Line. From the corner of my eye, I could see an antler inching toward me, and that's when I found the inner strength to find the energy, cross the mark, and beat her!
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Naibe Reynoso, Steph Simmons , 2 friends and Crispin Lazarit |
After the race you check your name to see your exact times, and what place you came in. There are various categories ranging in age-range and your sex. Low and be-hold... I came in 3rd place in my Division for the 5k! And they gave me a commemorative metal. Whoo hoo...
Rudolph... bite my dust. (but I still expect you to deliver my Xmas present)
Steph got 3rd Place in her Division too for 10K! |
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My 3rd Place Metal for 5K! |
Friday, November 18, 2011
have you seen HOPE? A great play at the Los Angeles Theatre Center
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"HOPE" cast on Stage. PHOTO courtesy Ramon V. Parra |
I love going to Plays. You can "SEE" the actors in person on stage, you can "FEEL" the energy of a live performance and you can "HEAR" them without the filters of editing equipment and looping sessions.
"Lets Talk" girls supporting Dyana Ortelli ,(the Star of HOPE),Kikey Castillo, Naibe Reynoso (Me), Bel Hernandez |
No wonder the best actors in the world keep coming back to the stage, including Al Pacino, Meryl Streep and Robert de Niro.
This Thursday I got to see my friend and fellow "Let's Talk" co-host Dyana Ortelli in her play titled “Hope: Part II of a Mexican Trilogy". I went to it not really knowing what to expect, which is the best way to see something. When there are no expectations is when you get the best surprises. Needless to say I was blown away. I loved it! And so did the L.A. Times!
The play is part musical, part history lesson, party family drama. Written by Evelina Fernandez and directed by Jose Luis Valenzuela. It takes place in the 1960's and follows a Mexican family facing the uncertainties of the country's future as they face the Cold War with the Soviet Union, Fidel Castro, and a looming Atomic Bomb that may or may not fry them like "chicharrones". (Chicarrones are pork rinds). President John F. Kennedy and Fidel Castro make cameo appearances.
It also talks about the Mexican family dynamic, where Machismo, passiveness (by the Matriarch), and racism take center stage.
The play, did to me, what any great performance should. It made me laugh, get emotional and learn something new .
(here is a promo for HOPE)
"HOPE" made me realize that, 40 years after the Kennedy years, the more things change the more they stay the same.
Now in the 21'st Century, we may not face an "Atomic" bomb, but we do face an "Atomic" financial crisis that has hit us all without mercy. I feel Machismo in our community hasn't changed much. I still see the man playing certain roles and the females succumbing to old traditions. That's changing a little, but at a snails pace. As far as discrimination, hmmm well I think its strange that although I was born here in the U.S., its 2011 and I'm STILL considered a "minority".
I have to give props to ALL the actors. The young actors sang so angelically that I was a little pissed that I haven't seen them before on mainstream series like "Glee" or even "High School Musical". They were great singers and performers and hopefully their talents will be showcased on even bigger platforms.
top row: Sam Golzari, Esperanza America Ibarra, Pepe Serna, Olivia Cristina Delgado, Dru Davis, Dyana Ortelli, Sal Lopez Botto row: Geoffrey Rivas, Edward James Olmos, Keith McDonald |
What can I say about my colleague and friend Dyana Ortelli. She played Elena, the Matriarch who puts up with a cheating husband, sacrifices her own happiness for the sake of her kids and does it all with charm and grace with one clean sweep! She caused me to fold over my seat laughing, hold back tears as she stirred some deep emotions that I've encountered in my own family, and make me proud to know and work with someone so talented.
I encourage everyone to see “Hope: Part II of A Mexican Trilogy”". Its now playing at the Los Angeles Theatre Center, 514 S. Spring St., Los Angeles. 8 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays, 3 p.m. Sundays. Ends Nov. 20. $20-$40. All seats $10 on Thursdays. Contact: (866) 811-4111 orTHE LA THEATRE CENTER Running time: 2 hours, 5 minutes.
Hurry.... you only have a few more days!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Bohemian-Chic in Stacy Sterling Jewelry Designs.
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Designer Stacy Sterling (in the Middle) and friends wearing her designs |
Here I am wearing a layered feather necklace. Every time I wear it I get compliments and I feel so earthy yet chic.
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Naibe Reynoso (me)wearing Feather Layered Necklace |

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Daniel Nuguyen, Naibe Reynoso, Jeff Hodsden (supportive boyfriend) |
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various feathered necklace, bracelets, and earrings. |
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colorful skull inspired latches |
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Feathers+ rocks+metal = cool |
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Models wearing Stacy Sterling ( in grey shirt) wearing her designs |
Designer Stacy Sterling and Me! |
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
I'll show you mine.... my TOP TEN Favorite APPS
I love ME my IPhone Apps. They put a little bit of fairy dust on an otherwise dull business and emergency-only device: the phone (okay maybe I also use it for the occasional gossip call). When I was a kid, and I used to see "businessmen" on their phones, I thought yuck... who wants to be on that thing for hours on end? But now thanks to all the fun apps that smart phones have, I want to be on my phone for hours on end!
Here is a LIST of my top TEN favorite apps.
1. Facebook/Twitter-
We can instantly Facebook/Twitter via our smart phones when something pisses us off and save tons on Therapy! EXHIBIT A:
2. MAPS -Can I say Hallelujah! Just when I needed a Trader Joes all I got to do is Map it in and Voila! Who knew I was only 3 minutes away? Who knew there was actually a Trader Joes here??? Im the GREEN dot, and all I have to do is get to the RED dot. Easy. Men... are you reading this?
3. Yelp! Its like Yellowpages and Help all rolled into one.. Need I say more?
4. Nike plus GPS. Love tracking my Miles while I run. It also comes with a built in cheerleader that congratulates you every time you reach another mile... gooooo Nike!
5. iBooks. I never got the Kindle and I almost sleep with my Iphone, so might as well "cuddle" up with a good book while I'm at it and kill two birds with one stone right? Here is my library, what does yours look like?

6. Pandora. Its Free. You create your own radio station with your favorite music. There are NO disc jockeys. I mean I don't want to hear Ryan Seacrest anouncing my favorite Adele song or interviewing his celebrity friends. It totally kills the mood when im dancing in my underwear. Hope the next hit is "Pandora killed the radio star".
7. Celeb for a Day. In this era of instant fame everyone wants a piece of the pie. With this App you don't have to sell your soul or get married then divorced in 72 days to make headlines. You create your own Fake Magazine cover. Here's mine:
We can instantly Facebook/Twitter via our smart phones when something pisses us off and save tons on Therapy! EXHIBIT A:
BTW: follow me on Twitter @naibereynoso |
2. MAPS -Can I say Hallelujah! Just when I needed a Trader Joes all I got to do is Map it in and Voila! Who knew I was only 3 minutes away? Who knew there was actually a Trader Joes here??? Im the GREEN dot, and all I have to do is get to the RED dot. Easy. Men... are you reading this?
3. Yelp! Its like Yellowpages and Help all rolled into one.. Need I say more?
4. Nike plus GPS. Love tracking my Miles while I run. It also comes with a built in cheerleader that congratulates you every time you reach another mile... gooooo Nike!
5. iBooks. I never got the Kindle and I almost sleep with my Iphone, so might as well "cuddle" up with a good book while I'm at it and kill two birds with one stone right? Here is my library, what does yours look like?
6. Pandora. Its Free. You create your own radio station with your favorite music. There are NO disc jockeys. I mean I don't want to hear Ryan Seacrest anouncing my favorite Adele song or interviewing his celebrity friends. It totally kills the mood when im dancing in my underwear. Hope the next hit is "Pandora killed the radio star".
7. Celeb for a Day. In this era of instant fame everyone wants a piece of the pie. With this App you don't have to sell your soul or get married then divorced in 72 days to make headlines. You create your own Fake Magazine cover. Here's mine:
8. TOON PAINT. Everyone is cooler as a cartoon character. This app is free and uber cool. Look at my before and after's:
9. INSTAGRAM. Make your drabby pictures works of art with this app that provides different filters to make your snapshots pop. The app is a social site which allows you to share pictures with other Instagram subscribers and make comments . Here is a before and after INSTAGRAM.
10.PERIOD TRACKER. Okay this App is just for girls. But I love the fact that it reminds you when Aunt Flo is scheduled to arrive etc. eliminating the need for you to write embarassing notes on your calendar. This App does all the "dirty" work for you.
***BONUS app
11. AGE FACE. we all need a reality check once in while. With the swipe of a finger this app ages your current photo. Yes, even botox and facelifts will not save you from eventually looking like this: so might as well "Face" the music.
OKAY, i've showed you mine, now you show me yours What are your favorite apps. and why?
9. INSTAGRAM. Make your drabby pictures works of art with this app that provides different filters to make your snapshots pop. The app is a social site which allows you to share pictures with other Instagram subscribers and make comments . Here is a before and after INSTAGRAM.
10.PERIOD TRACKER. Okay this App is just for girls. But I love the fact that it reminds you when Aunt Flo is scheduled to arrive etc. eliminating the need for you to write embarassing notes on your calendar. This App does all the "dirty" work for you.
***BONUS app
11. AGE FACE. we all need a reality check once in while. With the swipe of a finger this app ages your current photo. Yes, even botox and facelifts will not save you from eventually looking like this: so might as well "Face" the music.
Before AGE FACE |
OKAY, i've showed you mine, now you show me yours What are your favorite apps. and why?
Monday, October 31, 2011
Do you guys enjoy Halloween? Over the years I've gone back and forth between loving and hating it. Truth is, when you're a kid Halloween is almost as Magical as Christmas. What could beat dressing up as your favorite Hero or Princess for the day, and knocking on people's doors demanding a Treat?
But then you get older, you realize that you'll get cavities and gain 10 pounds from all the candy you eat, and that cute little tutu doesn't look so cute on you anymore with your muffin top.
Sure, there are plenty of costumes that cover the bulges such as the "Pregnant Nun" outfit, or the "Big Baby ". But then you go to some Adult Halloween party and feel self-conscience when you see "Sexy Nurse" or "Sexy Schoolgirl" roaming around the punch bowl.
So this year I wanted to make the best out of it and show off my 10 pound weight loss thanks to Barry's Bootcamp.
I decided I would be a "Sexy Ragdoll". I just spent $7 on my striped socks at Target and another $5 on my fake eyelashes. I mixed and matched stuff I had from previous Halloweens like my corset that came from a French Maid costume and my short skirt that came from a previous Sexy Pirate outfit.
Madame Tussauds Museum in Hollywood and Highland was having a Fab Halloween Costume Party that included an open bar, free appetizers and desserts, music by DJ Cubeeche, and a chance to mingle with Justin Timberlake, Brad Pitt, Penelope Cruz, Salma Hayek and Britney Spears to name a few.
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its Britney.... |
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Me and Salma Hayek.. Hangin... |
Hey even Joan Rivers was left "speechless" when she interviewed me! Ha! Thats a first!
My Boyfriend Jeff went as a Pimp Daddy and he was pretty happy he got to pose with the Pimpest of them all, Snoop Dog.
I had a blast!! The Magic of Halloween restored! Now Halloween is starting to become my favorite Holiday after Christmas. Its the one day a year you can become whatever you want to become!
Halloween isn't just for kids anymore!
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Penelope Cruz |
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the Pitts |
What are you guys doing for Halloween? What is your costume?
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