Monday, October 31, 2011


Do you guys enjoy Halloween? Over the years I've gone back and forth between loving and hating it. Truth is, when you're a kid Halloween is almost as Magical as Christmas. What could beat dressing up as your favorite Hero or Princess for the day, and knocking on people's doors demanding a Treat?

But then you get older, you realize that you'll get cavities and gain 10 pounds from all the candy you eat, and that cute little tutu doesn't look so cute on you anymore with your muffin top.

Sure, there are plenty of costumes that cover the bulges such as the "Pregnant Nun" outfit, or the "Big Baby ". But then you go to some Adult Halloween party and feel self-conscience when you see "Sexy Nurse" or "Sexy Schoolgirl" roaming around the punch bowl.

So this year I wanted to make the best out of it and show off my 10 pound weight loss thanks to Barry's Bootcamp.

I decided I would be a "Sexy Ragdoll". I just spent $7 on my striped socks at Target and another $5 on my fake eyelashes. I mixed and matched stuff I had from previous Halloweens like my corset that came from a French Maid costume and my short skirt that came from a previous Sexy Pirate outfit.

Madame Tussauds  Museum in Hollywood and Highland was having a Fab Halloween Costume Party that included an open bar, free appetizers and desserts,  music by DJ Cubeeche, and a chance to mingle with Justin Timberlake, Brad Pitt, Penelope Cruz, Salma Hayek and Britney Spears to name a few.
its Britney....

Me and Salma Hayek.. Hangin...
Of course they were pretty stiff that night, since they were only their Wax Figure Replicas. But it was still fun to pose with them and take pictures.

Hey even Joan Rivers was left "speechless" when she interviewed me! Ha! Thats a first!

My Boyfriend Jeff went as a Pimp Daddy and he was pretty happy he got to pose with the Pimpest of them all, Snoop Dog.

I had a blast!!  The Magic of Halloween restored! Now Halloween is starting to become my favorite Holiday after Christmas. Its the one day a year you can become whatever you want to become!

Halloween isn't just for kids anymore!

Penelope Cruz 
the Pitts

What are you guys doing for Halloween? What is your costume?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

If KARMA is a woman, she's a BITCH! This is why I believe in KARMA...

Do you believe in Karma? I do. Why? Because over and over again in my life, I've seen Karma's magic happen. I've also seen it happen to those around me (i.e. a mean boss who ends up getting fired in the most humiliating way, a cheater that ends up being cheated on, a bully who ends up getting punched in the face) you get the picture.

I've experienced some Karma of my own (not any of the above examples, thank God, or thank Karma). Karma doesn't discriminate. I truly believe If you send out good you will get good. If you send out bad you will get bad. Karma is very Objective. I think if Karma was a Journalist it would be the best Journalist because it would be impartial. It would dish it like it is. It wouldn't receive bribes, prayers, or do-overs. Karma is a straight-shooter.

I'm writing this post because I had an ah-ha Karma moment. Not anything big, something small. I was at Vienna Cafe restaurant on Melrose and I was so hungry I completely wiped my plate clean and didn't even leave a crumb. The waiter came by and said, "are you done?" and I said in a mocking way, "no!" and he said, "oh, I guess that was a stupid question huh?"  Admittedly I was being a little snobbish and belittling. (my cars battery ended up dying right in front of the Restaurant, and I had to ask that same waiter for iced tea cause it was an extremely hot day!) But wait, that wasn't Karma. This was:

The next day I went to Tender Greens and ordered Iced Tea with my Salad. I asked the cashier, "do you know if I can get refills for my Iced Tea?" and he answered in a belittling way, "what if I said, no I don't know?, hun of course you get refills". I felt stupid for asking. Probably the same way the Vienna Cafe waiter felt when he asked me if I was "done with my food" and I said in a "duh!" tone "No!".

I know this is a very small and perhaps meaningless example. But the bigger examples I've had in my life are too long and complicated to explain, and I would have to write an entire book about it. Point is, I took this example as a reminder to put myself on check. I'm no YOGI, but I do believe that at Home, at Work and at Play, what goes around comes around. Watch yourself, cause, yeah... Karma is watching you.

Do you believe in Karma? Do you have an Karma moments?

Monday, October 3, 2011

Planning an 8 year old's ROCK STAR Birthday!

Girls just want to have fun right?

My daughter just turned 8. She's NOT into Care Bears, she's over Justin Bieber. She's a pre-pre-teen. So this year it was tough to find an appropriate theme for her Birthday Party. Her and I both agreed that a ROCK STAR theme would be pretty Cool.
This is what I did:

1. INVITATIONS:  Rock Star themed. Instructions inside read: Adults and Kids come dressed up as ROCK STARS!
2. GETTING "ROCKIFIED": I set up a table where you could get fake tattoos, bright colored hair extensions, make-up, and color hair spray.(Yes no one was safe!)

3. DECORATIONS: Hung Plenty of "Rock Star" dangly things

4. ENTERTAINMENT: A)Hired a "fake" Hannah Montana (isn't that an Oxymoron?!)

 B) PEACHES THE CLOWN: A face-painter/clown who painted cool musical notes on kids faces and had some magic tricks up her sleeve.

5. CAKE: pre-ordered from Costco with musical note decoration, then stuck a huge "Rock Star" trophy on top of it.

6. GOODY BAGS:  went to 99cents store and bought Rock Star themed goodies. Also made a CD with all of Giselles favorite music.

7. FOOD: Pizza, Popcorn, Rock Star Cupcakes, and Rock Star Punch

8. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITES: huge slide bouncer, after all, the princess castle bouncy houses are for wimps right?

I can't believe how fast the years have gone by. It seems like just yesterday Giselle was in my arms, barely a few hours old, and now she's 8! With her own personality, intelligence, and an attitude to boot! I picked a perfect theme for her party, because in my eyes she is MY ROCKSTAR!!!!! Truth of the matter is, although its HER birthday, she's the best present I ever got!

For all the other mommies reading this: what birthday themes have you picked for your kids and why? Please comment below! :)